PIDP 3250 — Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies:

Course Description and Instructional Strategies

The Instructional Strategies course provides participants with
the opportunity to experience a variety of instructional strategies
and techniques which they can apply to their own teaching
practice. Participants will develop and adapt motivational strategies
to better engage their students. They will also learn how to manage
classrooms and handle difficult situations in a respectful, professional
manner. Participants will use creative techniques and frameworks
to help their students learn how to learn and how to think critically
and creatively.

The main instructional strategies include interactive lectures, group
discussions, collaborative learning projects, role plays, presentations,
journal writing and reflective practices.

Course Outcomes

1. Analyze a variety of strategies and techniques that support learning.

2. Enable adult learning by applying motivational models and approaches.

3. Apply techniques to help adults learn how to learn.

4. Use strategies to help adults learn to think critically, creatively and metacognitively.

5. Use professional and respectful communication skills.

6. Apply classroom management skills.

Taken from: British Columbia Provincial Instructor Diploma Program, Participant Handbook. Updated September 23, 2013.



Why Blog?

I have to be honest, for anyone out there reading this, if it weren’t for taking the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program Through VCC’s School of Instructor Education I would never  be writing this. I appreciate technology but have to admit I’m a little old-fashioned in that I am uncomfortable sharing openly online. But as I preach to my employees, being uncomfortable means you are learning and it is a good place to be. So I will take this challenge on and lead by example.

I am currently taking my second course Instructional Strategies (PIDP 3250) in which blogging is part of my required assignments and slowly I am getting more comfortable with this. This blog is all about my journey in learning (hence the title) and I look forward to one day being able to look back at all of my work here and see the progress I have made.

Here goes nothing!!